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You Are What You Think

Photo by Marlon Schmeiski on

You have heard the statement before that you are what you eat. You don’t hear the statement that you are what you think very often.

We all have images of ourselves that are derived from many things around us including what we see in the movies, magazines and social media. We also get input from our own brains about what we are and I would like to talk about a positive way to help change how you think of yourself for a better life.

This post is mainly for those of you that have depression or feeling down and out with a negative self image. If this describes you then close your eyes and think of all the compliments and nice things people have said about you over the years. At first it may be difficult, but keep thinking of them and you will begin to smile and feel better about yourself. You may have been told that you are so kind, nice, caring, pretty or handsome. It’s different for everyone but you get the picture! Do this whenever you need a smile on your face and in your heart.

If you have no memories of other people saying such positive things about you over your life then imagine someone you love with all your heart, like your kids or spouse. That feeling of unconditional love that you would do anything for that person. Now try to imagine that God in heaven loves you many more times than that. So much more that you really can’t comprehend how big and vast His love is for you. This should put a smile in your heart and on your face.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on